Surveillance as Social Sorting: Privacy, Risk and Automated Discrimination
Category: Science & Math, Travel
Author: Jeffrey Eisner, Alli Koch
Publisher: John W. James, Mark Teague
Published: 2016-05-02
Writer: John Eldredge, Gay Hendricks
Language: Icelandic, Japanese, Italian, Chinese (Simplified), Latin
Format: pdf, Kindle Edition
Author: Jeffrey Eisner, Alli Koch
Publisher: John W. James, Mark Teague
Published: 2016-05-02
Writer: John Eldredge, Gay Hendricks
Language: Icelandic, Japanese, Italian, Chinese (Simplified), Latin
Format: pdf, Kindle Edition
Social Media Surveillance - Brown - - Major Reference ... - Social Sorting. A broader concern about the development of new surveillance technologies is that they can lead to "social sorting," where discrimination and privilege are entrenched through the unplanned consequences of data gathering and analysis (Lyon, 2001). The process of identity construction itself will be increasingly shaped by ...
Your Social Media Is (Probably) Being Watched Right Now ... - Getty. The use of automated tools to enable mass surveillance of social media accounts is spiralling out of control. So says a new report from Freedom on the Net, which warns that nine in every 10 ...
David Lyon (Author of Postmodernity) - David Lyon is the author of Jesus in Disneyland (3.69 avg rating, 35 ratings, 1 review, published 2000), Surveillance After Snowden (3.35 avg rating, 37 ...
Public Perceptions of Privacy and Security in the Post ... - About this Report. This report is the first in a series of studies that examines Americans' privacy perceptions and behaviors following the revelations about government surveillance programs by government contractor Edward Snowden that began in June of 2013. To examine this topic in depth and over an extended period of time, the Pew ...
K. A. Taipale: The Surveillance Society (Omniveillance) - For our purposes, a surveillance society is one based on maintaining social control or order through the collection, sharing, and analysis of information about populations in order to govern their activities. Surveillance is a social-technical security and control response to individual privacy and anonymity, and to the delocalization of borders.
Surveillance as Social Sorting: Privacy, Risk and ... - Surveillance as Social Sorting proposes that surveillance is not simply a contemporary threat to individual freedom, but that, more insidiously, it is a powerful means of creating and reinforcing long-term social differences. As practiced today, it is actually a form of social sorting - a means of verifying identities but also of assessing ...
PDF Surveillance, Power and Everyday Life - means that such surveillance is implicated in basic questions of social justice, to do with access, risk distribution and freedom. There is increased need for ethics and politics of information in an era of intensifying surveillance. Introduction Surveillance grows constantly, especially in the countries of the global north.
Police use of surveillance technology raises privacy concerns - One effect of ALPRs, which the report describes as "chilling," is their potential to leverage surveillance as a form of social control. "Specifically, the risk is that individuals will ...
Surveillance as Social Sorting: Privacy, Risk and ... - Surveillance happens to all of us, everyday, as we walk beneath street cameras, swipe cards, surf the net. Agencies are using increasingly sophisticated computer systems - especially searchable databases - to keep tabs on us at home, work and play.
[Readings] | The Digital Poorhouse, by Virginia Eubanks ... - The Digital Poorhouse. By Virginia Eubanks, from Automating Inequality, which was published this month by St. Martin's Press. Eubanks is an associate professor of political science at the University at Albany, SUNY, and a founding member of the Our Data Bodies project. F orty years ago, nearly all the major decisions that shape our lives ...
PDF Félag félagsfræðikennara í framhaldsskólum | Félagið er ... - Félag félagsfræðikennara í framhaldsskólum | Félagið er ...
Surveillance as Social Sorting 短评 - 0 有用 s 2019-07-24. Lyon真的是疯狂快速出书但是完全没啥特别洞见全靠不停重复既往观点和他人研究的典范……论文集良莠不齐。
Surveillance, Security and Social Sorting: Emerging ... - The quality of social existence in a globalizing world is directly affected by the automated identification and social sorting systems proliferating especially at borders but also in everyday life. This article addresses two aspects of post-9/11 security and surveillance: the proliferation of new airport security measures and the emergence of ...
Reframing biometric surveillance: from a means of ... - Biometric surveillance refers to the use of automated systems that measure biological (, fingerprint) or behavioral (, gait) characteristics to identify, monitor, and control individuals and populations. Biometric surveillance is only one part of an extensive surveillance network, that I define as the overall social setting in which ...
Online privacy as a collective phenomenon | Proceedings of ... - Building confederated web-based services with In Proceedings of the First ACM Conference on Online Social Networks, COSN '13, pages 189--200, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM. Google Scholar Digital Library; E. Zheleva and L. Getoor. To join or not to join: The illusion of privacy in social networks with mixed public and private user profiles.
Facial recognition technology and the end of privacy for ... - Facial recognition technology has recently been making headlines in a variety of guises. Advances in video technology and AI techniques mean it's now relatively cheap to install 'smart cameras' that boast the capacity to instantaneously identify a person by matching their facial features against a photographic database.
(PDF) Digital Risk Society | Deborah Lupton - - IntroductionAs social life and social institutions have become experienced and managed via novels forms of digital technologies, and as both public and personal spaces as well as human bodies have become increasingly monitored by digital surveillance devices and sensors, a new field of risk inquiry has opened up in response to what might be termed 'digital risk society'.
Technology and Social Control - Gary T. Marx - The engineering of control (in both its hard and soft forms) is an important component of our contemporary surveillance society. (the Marx article on surveillance studies expands on these developments) A major strand of social control involves the enforcement of rules and standards.
Surveillance as Social Sorting: Privacy, Risk and ... - Surveillance as Social Sorting proposes that surveillance is not simply a contemporary threat to individual freedom, but that, more insidiously, it is a powerful means of creating and reinforcing long-term social differences. As practiced today, it is actually a form of social sorting - a means of verifying identities but also of assessing ...
Surveillance as Social Sorting: Privacy, Risk, and Digital ... - Surveillance as Social Sorting proposes that surveillance is not simply a contemporary threat to individual freedom, but that, more insidiously, it is a powerful means of creating and reinforcing long-term social differences. As practiced today, it is actually a form of social sorting - a means of verifying identities but also of assessing ...
Powell's Books | The World's Largest Independent Bookstore - Shop for new, used, and rare books online and in-person at Powell's Books, the world's largest independent bookstore, based in Portland, Oregon. We sell new and used books and gifts. Read Powell's blog, browse staff picks, and find your next read today!
Surveillance and identity: conceptual framework and formal ... - Surveillance and social sorting. In surveillance studies, social sorting is the categorization of people and results in a classification used to treat people differently . Although originally formulated to understand the social impact of surveillance by companies and institutions, our formal definition shows that sorting is essential to the ...
How to Protest Safely in the Age of Surveillance | WIRED - The surveillance tools that state and federal law enforcement groups have used at protests for years put it at risk right along with your physical wellbeing. Related Stories Stay Safe
Soft Surveillance: The Growth of Mandatory Volunteerism in ... - It is "naturally" folded into routine activities such as driving a car or using a credit card, computer or telephone. Such information is then used in profiling, social sorting and risk assessment (Lyons 2002). Consider also those who agree to report their consumption behavior and attitudes in more detail as part of market research.
Surveillance as Social Sorting (豆瓣) - It scrutinizes individual surveillance systems - CCTV, biometrics, intelligent transportation systems, smart cards, on-line profiling - and discusses their implications for our future. Surveillance as Social Sorting is a fascinating contribution to a relatively new field - surveillance studies.
Profiling (information science) - Wikipedia - Profiling is not simply a matter of computerized pattern-recognition; it enables refined price-discrimination, targeted servicing, fraud detection, and extensive social -time machine profiling constitutes the precondition for emerging socio-technical infrastructures envisioned by advocates of ambient intelligence, autonomic computing (Kephart & Chess 2003) and ubiquitous computing ...
IFLA -- Data driven futures - censorship takes new forms - New issues do not only concern privacy protection and even civil liberties, but new vulnerabilities of citizen as a target of social sorting - and from the broader perspective it concerns social changes and structures the data surveillance enables and initiates (Lyon, 2003, Lyon, 2006). 9. References
Surveillance Ethics | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - 9. Social Sorting. Much of the discussion surrounding the ethics of surveillance concerns threats to individual or group privacy, and the balance of power between the individual and the state or the individual's employers. There is a further potential harm of surveillance in the form of social sorting (Lyon 2002).
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